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NZ Government CO2 mobilisation

The NZ Govt, working with the folk at have produced this video to encourage people there to get on board with the debate on how to reduce emissions by 40% by 2020. Good to see creativity used simply and effectively to create a strong message, and one that we need to repeat in Wales


Let's target food again too

The Guardian, in their excellent series of photo essays, ran a feature on wasted food, which makes for sober viewing. It's startling, although not altogether suprising, that businesses such as the Coop and M&S still allow food to a) go unused rather than give to charities etc, which does happen elsewhere, b) don't at least compost it, c) or stick it through an anaerobic digestion process to create energy rather than methane. Ask what your local store does.



Targets for walking & cycling

News side reported today that the UK government haven't got around to setting targets for the number of people who'll walk or cycle to the Olympics in 2012. It would seem sensible that they used targets to drive the quality and breadth of infrastructure they need, rather than build that first then set a target, but maybe I'm missing something.

Read the article here


Going to Copenhagen?

This December's COP15 talks are billed by many as one of the most, if not the most, important event in modern history as leaders from the world's countries discuss, argue, evade lobbyists and activitists, listen to economists and finally make the decisions that will determine the world's carbon descent pathway for the next decade and more.

Tens of thousands of people will be travelling to Copenhagen to make their voices heard, share stories and make a small mark of change in a critically important moment.

Today, I came across a wonderful website via the Not Stupid team, through which house-space is offered near Copehagen by families who want to provide accommodation for those committed to making a differerence. Genius in its simplicity:

Book your train tickets now


To Do list for speakers

David Hieatt drew up this great list to remind the speakers at the Do Lectures what works. It's a good list for anyone wanting to engage an audience, with the exception of the one about sticking around, which works best if you're in a tent with wonderful people in west Wales.

A speakers Do List

1, Do tell your story. It will inspire others more than you will ever know.

2, Do inspire yourself too. Don’t do the talk you always do. Leave your comfort zone.

3, Do tell us of your struggles as well as your successes. Failure is often a better teacher than success.

4, Don’t read it. You know your story off by heart, so let it come from the heart. You will touch more people that way.

5, Do tell us your dreams, your passions, what you stand for, your crazy new idea or your brave new thinking. We need to know what drives you.

6, Do entertain. We cover some serious subjects but that doesn’t mean we have to be serious. Entertainment is good. People learn a lot while laughing.

7, Do disagree. Debate is important. You don’t have to agree with other speakers.

8, Don’t steal other speakers time. It’s a 25 minute talk.

9, Do give the best talk that you have ever done. (Eek)

10, Do stick around. The talks, the food, the beer, the music, the fire-side conversations, and just the pure magic of the Fforest location all go to make The Do lectures just a little bit special.