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Entries in Speakers_notes (1)


To Do list for speakers

David Hieatt drew up this great list to remind the speakers at the Do Lectures what works. It's a good list for anyone wanting to engage an audience, with the exception of the one about sticking around, which works best if you're in a tent with wonderful people in west Wales.

A speakers Do List

1, Do tell your story. It will inspire others more than you will ever know.

2, Do inspire yourself too. Don’t do the talk you always do. Leave your comfort zone.

3, Do tell us of your struggles as well as your successes. Failure is often a better teacher than success.

4, Don’t read it. You know your story off by heart, so let it come from the heart. You will touch more people that way.

5, Do tell us your dreams, your passions, what you stand for, your crazy new idea or your brave new thinking. We need to know what drives you.

6, Do entertain. We cover some serious subjects but that doesn’t mean we have to be serious. Entertainment is good. People learn a lot while laughing.

7, Do disagree. Debate is important. You don’t have to agree with other speakers.

8, Don’t steal other speakers time. It’s a 25 minute talk.

9, Do give the best talk that you have ever done. (Eek)

10, Do stick around. The talks, the food, the beer, the music, the fire-side conversations, and just the pure magic of the Fforest location all go to make The Do lectures just a little bit special.