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Entries in sustainabiity (2)


Making farming cool again

Michael Pollan is one of the clearest, most compelling advocates to common sense approach to food than pretty much anyone else that I've come across. There's an excellent download of hos talk, available for free, just here. Good background reading for anyone coming to play at Hay on Earth this year.


Tick tock

Yesterday saw the first of three Welsh Assembly Government Community Climate Change events with a good starter in Llangollen's International Pavilion. Chaired by Steve Harris from Science Shops, with contributions from me on Million Minds, Doversity and biomimicry, Ken Peattie on his research into social change and digital communications and Rachel Nunn from Carbon Neutral Stirlingshire Project on the excellent progress that she and colleague made from a front-room project to a fully funded 20 year journey to 89% CO2 rediction.

The key to progress for us was the launch of the Do Connect - the project to map out the complex, connected actions that need to happen in the next three years to lay down the routemap for carbon reduction and sustainability. Emma Metcalf and Emma-Louise Hardman ran the workshop session which resulted in 100 action suggestions which will be built on at the next two events in 10 days' time.

Tick tock. 500 days to make the plan. 6 events in the next three weeks to get it populated. Join us.