Community Supported Agrciculture

At a time when there's no clear plan anywhere in the UK (that we can find) that sets out what a coordinated local response to the threats of peak oil mean for food production and security, it's more important than ever that people start to act on the knowledge they have. The blogger calls not acting due to a lack of knowledge ingorance, and not acting when you have the knowledge, ineptitude.
It was heartening and inspiring to be part of discussions in St Davids that have resulted in the establishment of a new CSA scheme. CSA, Community Supported Agriculture, is an enlightened process that relocalises food production, reduces prices, improves nutrition (fresher food) and increases local jobs. Oh, and it helps to bring community together too, around shared interests and action.
Caerhys Community Agriculture has been germinated by organic farmer Gerald Miles, a pillar of community and activism and a small group of local folk. Have a read through the text below that has been sent to interested people, and notice the feel and potential impact of phrases on risk and sharing.
Caerhys Community Agriculture:
Welcome to Caerhys CA .......
Our vision is :
- a community of people sharing and supporting organic food production, in a spirit of friendship and trust.
Our aims are :
- to produce organic vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs, and enable wider access to local organic meat, dairy products and eggs.
- to enable members to live well and eat well in an organic and sustainable way.
- to support organic farming and food production in the local area.
- to grow a community around the project based on shared work, social activity and a spirit of friendship
- to grow in whatever way the members feel will help achieve these aims.
The principles of Caerhys CA are :
- that organic growing (of vegetables, meat, dairy products, eggs and fruit) is necessary for the best and most nutritious food for all, maintaining fertile soils and a healthy, diverse environment into the future.
- that supporting local organic farmers and producers is a worthwhile aim for local consumers.
- that co-operation, shared risks and shared benefits, and a spirit of friendship are fundamental to the operation of the group.
- that decisions should be arrived at by consensus wherever possible.
As a Founder Member:
- I support the vision, aims and principles of Caerhys CA and will comply with the rules of the association.
- I undertake to pay a monthly share subscription of £30.00 by Standing Order at the beginning of each calendar month, beginning in July 2010 and to give 3 months’ notice of ceasing.
- I undertake to pay a yearly joining fee of £24.00, due in January annually.
- I accept the risk that there may be no return or profit on any payments I make to Caerhys CA. As a member of Caerhys CA I support the project through good times and poor.