2010 Peak Oil report

Following on from the excellent, thought provoking 2009 report from the Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil & Energy Security, ITPOES have produced a useful update - The Oil Crunch: a wake-up call for the UK economy.
The report states that:
Having assessed the systemic changes caused by the global economic recession, coupled with the projected growth from non-OECD countries, ITPOES predicts Peak Oil will occur within the next decade, potentially by 2015 at less than 95 million barrels per day... The UK will be particularly badly hit by these factors with a tightening of supply leading to greater oil import dependency, rising and volatile prices, inflationary pressures and the risk of disruption to the transport system.
It's recommendations include:
- A package of policies are required to deal with the economic, financial and social impact of potential high oil prices
- Policies and fiscal measures to support and incentivise a shift from the traditional car to more fuel- and carbon-efficient modes of transport to be established
- The nation’s power generation and transmission distribution infrastructure must be changed to adapt to new demand patterns, price spikes and supply interruption
- Measures must be taken to protect the public, particularly the most disadvantaged, from the impact of rising fuel costs on food and other consumer goods prices.
Here's a Do:
Write short letter to your local council, asking for clarification of their position on Peak Oil and its impact on community. Share the results with others.