Peak Oil - raising the challenge bar

George Monbiot, writing in today's Guardian, points out the risks and relative importance of peak oil, on one hand, pushing investment towards ever-dirtier sources of oil - shales and coal, for instance, balanced against the soothing sounds of 'it's OK - we've found more oil'.
In terms of finding more, it's the scale that counts, as Monbiot says:
"In terms of total global supply, the trade body's [Oil & Gas UK] projections don't make much difference...[they] suggest that the possible extra reserves are split roughly equally. This would mean an extra 2.9bn barrels of oil, which equates to around one month of global consumption"
Once again, the question for us to ask is 'so what?' or 'now what'. If you didn't write a letter following my last post, write one now.