CCW call for consideration for birds in cold snap

Following seven days of prolonged severe weather, the Countryside Council of Wales (CCW) is asking people to be sensitive to the plight of wildlife when they are enjoying the outdoors.
At times of prolonged severe cold weather, disturbing wildlife such as birds - especially waterbirds - can add to the physical stress that they are already suffering. Extra disturbance can threaten their survival and lead to increased mortality.
CCW’s request to the public to be considerate towards birds and wildlife is designed to minimise the pressure faced by animals during the current freeze. At the same time, a range of conservation and shooting organisations are contacting their members to discourage activities that may cause disturbance to birds.
This prolonged severe cold weather has brought freezing conditions to many areas of Wales - places which are vital for waterfowl in winter. Due to the more severe weather in the north and east of Britain, birds will also be flying west to areas in Wales to try and find places where they are still able to feed. These wildlife sites also attract many people out into the countryside for recreation. CCW is therefore asking people to be conscious of the birds' ongoing survival struggle and avoid stressing them further.
If freezing conditions continue after a period of 13 days, the Welsh Assembly Government will be required to implement a statutory suspension on shooting in Wales that will start on the 15th day.
Dr David Parker, CCW Director of Science said: “We are grateful for the fantastic response from the public, and conservation and shooting organisations to help wildlife cope with the current freeze".