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Resolving issues

Colleague Mike Jones from Open Minds sent me this quote recently, and it feels particularly appropriate for the work that's developing around A Million Minds and community climate change response:

"When people are engaged in the resolution of problems affecting themselves or the whole collectively, energies are unleashed which enhance the likelihood of the creation of imaginative solutions and successful strategies"

John Stuart Mill, Political philosopher (1806 - 1873)


Chris Wheeler - gone but not forgotten

The River Dart is a committing white water trip in high river conditions, and Chris would have known this better than many as he kitted up for a kayaking run yesterday. One of the most serious risks on high water rivers is becoming pinned by a rock or tree, unable to move due to the pressure of water piling onto the your kayak. Unfortunately, Chris got caught on a tree, and despite the efforts of two of his paddling mates, died on the river.

I'd met Chris at the Bitches tidal rapids where for many years, TYF organised the Bitches Freestyle Kayak Contests - Chris stood out for his competence, safety awareness and good company. Chris, your presence will be missed next time we paddle out. Take care.


Insight - The Community Development Foundation

Which community? What is development - CDF's definition is work around:

Working with individuals and communities

  • Challenging opression and inequality
  • Bringing about social change and justice
  • Empowerment
  • Wellbeing

Community engagement is about involving people in the decisions that influece their lives. In the world of citizen-centered policy, employee, employer, individual, volunteer, carer, representative are all roles to take into account.

The latter of participation:

Information - supporting - consulting - deciding together - acting together - it's important to know where you are meeting people, and where you hope to take them to.

Decision making in the round - 1) holding to account, 2) giving account, 3) taking into account, 4)dis-counting (not going to be used because timing or context is out). The lack of feedback kills engagement if actions don't develop from input and suggestions.

The Community Development Worker - work alongside local people building relationships, helping communities develop common concerns.

Project example - working with CCW on Come Outside - trying to generate sustainable levels of community use of nature. Engagement motivators included enjoying greens space, creating usable space, meeting people - barriers included distance, fear, lack of knowledge or neglect of the spaces.

The role of community development agents is going to be key for rapid progress, particularly so taking the knowledge gap into account.

In a Times interview, 41% of people interviewed believed that we needed to act quickly on climate. To protect community, we need connectedness, care, concern and commitment. And action.





Community based social marketing

Insights from Welsh Assembly Govt Climate Change Workshop

Step One - select the specific behaviour. Pick the behaviours that you want to stick. If it's about how water heating, anything from shower heads to thermostats can be relevant. Understand that different motivators will be present - which may be often more complex than those determining consumer choices.

Step Two - identify the barriers and benefits - "walk in their shoes" - understand their language and do solid research, run focus groups and conduct surveys to show what's actually happening. Set SMART goals, and Baby Smart goals - the things that will be needed to get started. e.g. reduce the number of staff travelling to WAG building X by 70% by Xmas 2010.

Step Three - Develop a clear strategy. For each behavour, develop a strategy to reduce barriers and increas benefits. Make the preferred behaviours easier and more affordable. Gain commitment - and make them public to promote engagement and involvement. Take advantage of social norms - group expectations and pressure to perform. Remember the value of prompts (remember to switch off the lights). Communicate, being careful to avoid the use of fear.

Step Four - Pilot - small groups, trying it

Step Five - implement a strategy



Ecotopian discount

I've just had a note from James Parr, co-organiser of the pre-Copenhagen 'building ecotopia' event, reminding me that there's a discount available on the last few places - use QUAL11 as a code when clicking through to the Ecotopia website.

See you there