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« Wales Sustainable Business Summit (3) | Main | Wales Sustainable Business Summit »

Wales Sustainable Business Summit (2)

Jane Davidson, Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing

I've been making sure that our policies enable the things that we're able to do best in Wales. Businesses can and do contribute to our policies and actions in Wales. What does it mean to make SD our central organising principle? We must have a positive vision to take it forward, with an understanding of what a sustainable Wales will look like as we create new sense and opportunities.

SD is much more than an environmental agenda - it's about a better quality of life for our own and future generations, delivered in a way which delivers social justice, enhances the cultural environment whilst living within environmental limits. We will take our share of resource use down to within One Planet's worth of resources within the lifetime of one generation.

Moving towards a zero waste society in Wales by 2050, with every local authority having statutory waste composting targets. I've seen many green jobs being created by recycling.

Simms recycling in Newport is the largest in the UK, and reflection on Wales' commitment to being a low carbon nation. Energy and the way we use it is critical; 80-90% reduction in fossil-fuel based fossil fuels are essential by mid century.

Through your commitment and care for communities, resources, energy and environment, you can make a difference to your business as well as the future.

The SD Charter has over 50 leading businesses in Wales, ranging from PwC to organic dairy cooperatives, working together. They'll do this by:

Future prooofing - e.g. M&S' Plan A 180 actions by 2018 because it's the right thing to do, and customers want it

Early leader advantage - as a small nation we can provide

Future markets - low carbon technologies have huge opportunities to tap into a $3tn low carbon market

Waste, energy reduction works - £43k to £27k cost in waste cost, with an extra £40k from re-sale of waste at Sharp in Wrexham

Consistency of reporting on CSR can create long term benefits for customers and sustainability.

Environmental awareness will take you into an area of making different decisions. Greening the workplace saves money and attracts new employees.

Wales' SD approach and long-term clarity, generally supported by all parties within the Assembly will give confidence to locate and grow in Wales.

We recognise that the Assembly Govt needs to set big targets and deliver on carbon reduction and behaviour change, with an extra £5m of funding over the next three years. We will take climate change into account in all of our decision making.



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