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Food insecurity, spin and salad

The Guardian's headline says it all:

Flight ban could leave UK short of fruit and veg

And then goes on to say.."This will mean a three-day shortfall in the supply of... asparagus, grapes, green onions, lettuce and pre-packed fruit salads. The fear is that, while there are still supplies of these products in the supply chain, they are likely to be exhausted next week."

I'm quaking in my boots and am not sure how my family will react when they discover that asaparagus and green onions will be off the hors d'oeuvres plate. And I dread to think how they'll take the prospect of not being a able to buy packaged salads at exhorbitant prices.

Nonsense reporting such as this gets in the way of much more serious concerns around food security - an oil shock due to supply interruption would cost lives, not dinner parties.

Reader Comments (2)

Your blog reminded me Andy that I havent see any military aircraft over the past few days over Mid Wales.

The dust from the volcano is much less hazardous than the screaming jets which creates deafening noises above our heads.

Let peace prevail!

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Hughes


Today was the first day that I really noticed the contrails back - a real 'sky sore' compared to a week ago, for sure.

A friend who was visiting from Mach commented on how much quieter the valleys were, which must have been wonderful


April 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterAndy Middleton

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