Is being green bad for business?

Next week sees Best of Britain and Ireland, the UK's largest tourism show, at London's Olympia. I've been asked to speak there at a session on sustainable tourism chaired by eco-comms expert Ed Gillespie, along with Richard Hammond and others. Here's the blurb from the BOBI website
Thursday 18th March
14.30 The new climate message and how the tourism industry can respond: is being green bad for business?
Changing behaviour is about selling an aspirational and tangible vision of a low carbon future. Led by Ed Gillespie of Sustainability Communications Agency Futerra, this session will address the communications challenge presented by the climate debate. How can industry respond and what will make businesses and travellers listen?
Panellists: Richard Hammond, Founder of; Andy Middleton, Managing Director, The TYF Group Ltd and Bob Burlton, Chair, Co-operative Financial Services a driving force in the creation of ACT! – Addressing the Climate Threat by Co-operatives Europe.
Here's a Do:
Even if you can't get along, it would be great to hear your views on questions about sustainable tourism that you'd like to see asked at the event. I'll do my best to get them aired and answered.

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