CSA St Davids

Something much more useful than the CSI cloned TV programmes from Channel 5 happened in St.Davids, Wales UK last evening that will result in less drama and better outcomes. Gerald Miles, tractor-driving hero of the 2009 Do Lectures shared his vision for a new kind of food supply business where farmers, community and the environment benefit. For every 50 families in the community who sign up and commit to the farmers who grow their food, a farming job is created, seeds are planted, and a chain of restorative events slowly let loose that build relationships, health and soil.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) schemes in Moray, Scotland and Stroud, England have already shown what’s possible when householders stick together. It seems that, in the long run, it’s not possible for supermarkets, communities and farmers to get maximum benefit; in the past, it’s been where we live and our environment that have lost out.
Now it’s time to turn the tables, and reclaim our food chain. A little Do? Read up about CSA, get 19 other local households together, and start a small CSA scheme of your own. Fresher, more nutritious, cheaper…

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