Water Aid Impact

Each September for the last five or six years, TYF have given free team building coaching to a group of a dozen volunteers on a fund raising programme for Water Aid called Business4Life. In return for free training to help develop their skills and their careers, they commit to raising £30,000 or so for Water Aid's programmes. It's good to know, as shown in this note from Vanessa Ashton's Christmas note, that it's worth it:
Because of generous donations, fundraising activities and time from all our supporters and, in particularly, from those in the South West and Wales like you, WaterAid has continued to provide clean water and sanitation to the world's poorest communities. This year alone we reached 940,000 people with clean water and 1.24 million people with sanitation. This is a fantastic achievement that would not have been possible without your help. Thank-you for everything you have done for WaterAid and for me this past year.