What took you so long?

Neat words from Do writer and Doer David Hieatt. If you've not dropped by yet, call in at the Do Village
Hello World.
We live in a world of instant this and that.
Instant soup.
Instant information.
Instant corporations.
Everything now. Everything overnight.
Everyone and everything connected to each other.
But sometimes we have to press the pause button.
We have to take a step back.
We need to remind ourselves that reputations have to be built and have to be built over time.
There are short cuts. And they are tempting.
There are ways to speed things up. But they may make us weaker in the long term.
The Do Lectures is in its 3rd year.
These are our reputation making years.
What is needed now for us is patience and hard work.
Patience that allows The Do Lectures to grow at its own speed.
And hard work to make sure we do everything we can do to make it a University for the 21st Century.
So heads down, sleeves rolled up. We got some work ahead of us.
This is us at the bottom of our mountain.
This is us putting each pixel into our picture.
This is us making our first steps up the reputation mountain, one simple step at a time, one event at a time, one brilliant speaker at a time.
Then in years to come, we will look up and the world’s eyes will be looking through the tent flap. And they will call us this instant overnight success.
And we will look up and say ‘Hello World’.
‘What took you so long?’