You can't sell complicated to someone who came to you to buy simple.

Seth Godin wrote some concise words about where marketing really happens. Here's a couple of the most interesting lines:
Marketing is what happens when you're not trying, when you're being transparent and when there's no script in place.
It's not marketing when everything goes right on the flight to Chicago. It's marketing when your people don't respond after losing the guitar that got checked.
It's not marketing when I use your product as intended. It's marketing when my friend and I are talking about how the thing we bought from you changed us.
It's not marketing when the smiling waitress appears with the soup. It's marketing when we hear two waiters muttering to each other behind the serving station.
Consumers are too smart for the frames. It's the in-between frame stuff that matters. And yet marketers spend 103% of our time on the frames.
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