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Entries in Do Lectures (21)


First 2009 Do Lectures now online

With the final edit finished, the first four of 2009's Do Lectures are now online at - click through to watch:

Geoff McFetridge - graphics guru talking of creativity, belief, purpose and the art of doodle.

Duke Stump - insights from The North Star Manifesto, and of moving from objects to relationships

Paul Deegan - one of the best teachers I've ever seen, talking of cleaning up Everest and journeys that Do.

Uffe Elbaek - co-founder of the amazing Kaos Pilots education, talking of learning through change


Do feedback

The first talks from the 2009 Do Lectures go online next week, and we're pretty excited about the prospect of aiming for over one million downloads in the coming year.

In the meantime, in between finances, following up and planning for 2010, David pulled together some of the feedback from this year, which is enough to make anyone feel good:

It was like a double shot of fresh air for my brain.T hank you.

It was the most inspiring and abundant event I have ever attended.

Thanks again for the super fun times. I have been trying really hard to describe everything to my wife. What a great week.

A cross between the Burning Man, the Ted talksand Where the Wild Things Are

Truly excellent.

Great job and great lectures -- I think you all have a very special thing going out there in West Wales.

There¹s a reason that there is not a 5 star Michelin restaurant that seats over 50 folks.  Small is beautiful.  Oh yeah...LOVED not getting emails...

When I say I loved the Do Lectures, I really mean I fell in love with them.

The location, the hosting, the food, attendees and of course the speakers all blended together to form a magical mix.

It’s the most important event of its kind..

You gave me the greatest experience and I will remember it forever.

It certainly for me was the most inspiring conference event thing, (which it clearly isn’t) that I’ve taken part in.

It was like putting a hell of a lot of interesting, clever, funny, sparky people in a blender. In a field.

 A place of storytelling. A place of inspiration.

 It has a Genius of Place.

 I jumped in a river with some of the smartest, kindest, friendliest people on the planet..

 Sotheby’s could learn a lot how to auction axes from these people

 The meals taught us that food is not a thing but a relationship.  Damn that food was good...

 I laughed.  I laughed a lot.  Fuel for the soul...

 Revolutions can start in that pub..

 A melting pot of people and ideas. Just an amazing event.

A bonfire with soul



Do the Observer

Mike Carter's epic bike ride around the UK took him to the Do Lectures for a few days. The lovely story of his unplanned visit is written up in today's Observer newspaper.

"I thought when I left London that this journey would change my life, as all journeys must, but I never imagined it happening so profoundly and in a tepee in a Welsh field."

Many others felt the same. To see last year's talks for free, and catch the 2009 Do Lectures when they're posted online, click here.


We know what to do, so let's take the first step

The fast-penned Leonora Oppenheim has produced her second Treehiugger article on the Do Lectures, all about taking the first step. We pretty much know what needs to be done to make this civilisation of ours a little smarter, better and more civilised. We know the steps. We just need to start Doing them. Leonora's highlights from the Do Lectures shine the way, helped by Uffe Elbaeks, founder of the Kaos Pilots, and many others.


Do: without TV

Last weekend's Do Lectures were the most amazing weekend of my life; four days spent with some of the brightest, most caring Doers that you could ever hope to meet. Do colleague Leonora Oppenheim is blogging summaries of the talks on Treehugger. Here's a taster:

"Turn off your TV", "Get Rid of your TV", "I haven't owned a TV in years!" This refrain was heard throughout The Do Lectures this year, putting a damper on our nights slobbing out in front of the box. Right out of the starting gate came graphic designer Geoff McFetridge with the statement "Never watch TV it's just not good for you!" "But", came the response, "What about good TV?" And then, almost in unison, everyone said "But what about The Wire?" Nope, it seems that if you are a Doer TV just doesn't cut it, not even The Wire. So folks what shall we do instead?

The Big Do + The Small Do
Each speaker throughout The Do Lectures was asked at the end of their talk for a 'Big Do' and a 'Small Do'. Geoff Mcfetridge's Big Do was really a don't - don't have a TV. His Small Do suggested what we can do instead - draw for half an hour a day. Even if you are not an artist just set a stopwatch for 30 mins and doodle, see how it calms you down and clears your mind.

We'll be posting talks in the coming weeks, and aiming to enable over 1 million people to do a little more in the next 12 months. Email me if you want to get involved as a volunteer, speaker or participant