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Entries in campaigning (1)


Avaaz reaches 13,000,000

Inventive campaigning organisation Avaaz have just tipped over the 13m member mark. They do impressive work, summarised here in content from a recent newsletter:

  • 5 million of us stood up to the ACTA and SOPA internet censorship bills, helping to put SOPA on ice, and putting ACTA under threat, with the President of the European Parliament and Germany, Poland and many other countries reconsidering their positions.
  • we smuggled $1.8 million worth of medical supplies into Syria when no one else could, and raised $1.5 million more in donations, while our citizen journalists provided much of the world media's information and images.
  • we generated thousands of news articles on 20 different campaigns.
  • our sex trafficking hotline generated information that will result in a major set of arrests this week (can't say which country yet).
  • we raised over 4 million dollars/euros/yen online to supercharge our work, and are growing our staff team like mad to keep up with the need.
  • we ran over 40 campaigns, took over 10 million actions and told 25 million friends about campaigns we care about, on everything from deforestation in Brazil to the Murdoch scandal in the UK -- and made a serious impact on many of these.

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