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Entries in Applied improv (1)


Improv & biomimicry

Colleague in change Paul Z Jackson, founder of the Applied Improvision Network, defines these seven characteristics as central to the making the idea of improv into a working, living artform that's as relevant in business and organisational life as it is in play. I'd been introduced to Paul and BCI's Belina Raffy by Neil Mullarkey (Comedy Store Players), and since then have enjoyed making the connections between improv's practice of dealing with emergence, biomimicry and the rapid change needed for transformation to a sustainable future.

The seven principles are:

Here and now - respond to what is happening right now, noticing the present.

Yes...and - learn to build others' ideas rather than fall into the familia yes...but

Commit; move the story forwards - action creates learning, information and opportunity

The power of the obvious - be prepared to work with what's staring you in the face

Disposability; letting go - acknowledge the redundancy of your own ideas and actions as well as of others

Taking turns - building a story or process in collaboration, together builds diversity as well as potency

Make your partner look good