The Energy Tri-Lemma

Briefing from Richard Davies the dynamic Chief Executive of the Marches Energy Agency.
Affordability - £5000 energy bills shock in last year's Daily Express schlock headline. 1 in 5 families
Reliability - "regardless of which route we take...after 2015, easy and accessible sources of oil and gas will be past" - Head of Shell
Carbon - global warming true or false vs significant action now or not - all we need to do is understand which choice needs to which outcome. If we take little action now, the consequences of no action are too big to consider. THe UK's Climate Act in 2008 helps
The last time the UK's climate emissions were at 2 tonnes - the target that we need to aim for was when? 1950s? 1920s? 1850? The last one is true - so by 2050, we need to be able to work with the emissions of carbon that will be the same as they were 200 years before - and with new technology.
Buildings and engineered to different standards will struggle to work under higher rainfall, temperatures etc.