Diamond Deniers

John Nissen, posting on the climate change politics feed on yahoo, recently put up this comment, which makes an intelligent observation about the relationship between Jared Diamond's excellent book 'Collapse' and the current path being forged by many of the climate change deniers. His post commented on Diamond's list of of the factors that contributed to failure of societies, many of which seem to be healthily bubbling around in government and business:
* failure to anticipate problems;
* failure to perceive problems;
* failure to even try to resolve key problems;
* failure to succeed (especially by leaving action too late)
The work that we're doing at TYF on R.10, the fundamental building blocks of an intelligent response to the challenges that we know are coming down the line, resonates strongly with this. We'd be asking:
If we were trying to anticipate problems, how would we change the way that govt and business scan the horizon?
If we perceived problems differently, who else would we be talking to?
If we wanted to resolve the likely problems, what skill set would we be building?

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