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Let our children speak

There's been an interesting exchange on sustainability on AMED, the Association for Management Education & Development that was kicked off by Penny Walker. One response in particular struck me, written by Richard Nugent from  Kaizen Training:

"I have been considering my response…and asking my self the question 'what would have to happen…'

The responsibility [for change] lies with the leaders and experts, but the assumption is that they answer lies with them. It probably doesn't. One of the causes of the recent financial situation was in my view that too many of the leaders of these institutions are experts in their fields. The HR Directors have largely worked in HR, the FD started as accountant etc, etc.

When you have this environment, it's much more difficult to 'lead' rather than manage.

Perhaps it's similar with the environment. I suspect that if we got together one hundred 8 year olds from across the globe, and offered them £100M to save the planet, they would probably with some coaching, come up with a great way forward - and with some change."


Here's a Do challenge: who is the group that you would most like to give a voice to, to accelerate sustainability action? Children? Older people? Unemployed? Farmers?

What will you do to make it happen?

Reader Comments (1)

If you want to buy a house, you will have to get the business loans. Moreover, my sister usually uses a collateral loan, which supposes to be the most useful.

March 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCraigShari25

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