The best laid plans

When we were planning the Do Lectures last year, it was tough to get the funding together to pay for accommodation, speaker's travel, filming, hosting and everything else that was needed to put the event on. We managed to the right things when they were need by taking each opportunity as it came our way. With the help of a handful of Founding Partners - howies, TYF, Fforest, Carlo Navatto and Orange Box and help in kind from a wonderful group of supporting companies including Apple, Innocent, Riverford Organics, Volvo and Yeo Valley we were able to put on everything that was needed for the event.
In our wildest dreams, we would have underestimated the impact that the 2009 Do Lectures had on those that attended.
As we draw towards the end of January, we're about six months ahead of where we were this time last year. Speakers who said that they'd only speak if we'd pay (which we don't) now want to give their time to Do, and we have more people interested in speaking than we have spaces.
Our goal is to sell half of the 80 available tickets by the end of March, and we're on track to do that. The £1000 cost includes 22 amazing talks over four days and long nights in the company of the most generous and inspiring people you may ever meet. Staying at Fforest adds a complete layer of magic in surroundings, tents, food, drink and wild nature that demonstrates the spirit of Do.
To buy a ticket for yourself, someone in your family, business or community click through to Do for more info.
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