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a reason for action on food

Although it's off most people's radar, there is a real sense of urgency to get moving on community, regional, nation and humanity scale awareness of the risk and response to the challenges coming down the track in terms of our food supply. Such as this:

UNEP estimates that nearly 2 billion hectares of land are affected by human-induced erosion and soil degradation, and in its 2002 “State of World Soils” report, provided the shocking insight that if we continue on a business-as-usual basis, nearly half the world’s current arable land will be “unusable” by 2050. Farmers the world over will need to move rapidly and systematically to regenerative fertility-building systems that build humus and retain carbon in the soils. (Jonathan Porritt, 2009)

TYF EcoSapiens are working with the Soil Association, Cardiff Uni and others to create a draft food reslience plan for Wales. Email us if you are interested.


Reader Comments (1)

Hi Andy, good to see your blog. I'm concerned that the food debate should include Eastern Europe, where they have and use tried and tested "regenerative fertility-building systems that build humus and retain carbon in the soils". It's a place where this kind of agriculture actually has an unbroken line of descent from the earliest farmers in Europe and to date, it hasn't been disturbed. That may change in our generation: see e.g., about the way that US corporate interests are wrecking the ecosystems of Poland. We need to take action.
How about Wales twinning with Poland to talk about food resilience plans? just a thought.
All best to you and hope to see you soon!

June 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristina Z

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