BSc in Outdoor Learning & Sustainability

The University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK are just about to start a new BSc degree that brings together the best elements of learning through adventure and the outdoors with hands on learning around sustainability.
The course website describes the content "Topics include the multi-faceted nature of outdoor learning, sustainability and global citizenship, human communication theory, transformational learning, transition towns, sustainable personal growth, health and well-being, climate change, ecological footprints, partnership building, community regeneration, sustainable food production, social and cultural change processes, critical reflection and action, sustainable transport and construction, and renewable energy systems. It also covers pertinent technical skills to interact with the outdoors in a safe and comfortable manner"
Kim Polistina, the Senior Lecturer who has led the design of the course, and will head up the teaching team, is a very grounded, capable teacher who deeply understands the need for a new paradiggm of developing understanding sustainability using the outdoors and nature as teacher and mentor.
Further details are available here.
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