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Seek and ye shall find

In searching for good data on sustainability and climate related issues, I've found it useful to use more than one search engine. For quite a few years, TYF have been using Zen Internet as our ISP, and they've been great; one of the handy things they provide is a monthly newsletter with a lot of good snippets from the edge of the tech world; this month's listings include search engines alternatives to google: - Biznar searches business-related sources. - Mednar searches medical information sources. - Searches 31 engineering, mathematics and computing collections. - Searches digital libraries of science and technology societies. - Searches Copenhagen University Library of Life Sciences. - Searches Canadian Consortium of Libraries. - Worldwide content from government, research and academic sources.


Reader Comments (2)

Hi Andy,

I see that you mention four different URL's for federated search engines built by Deep Web Technologies (Biznar, Mednar, and Thanks! You might be interested in knowing that both Biznar and Mednar are only the first two sites in our "Notably Accelerated Research" campaign to create vertical Deep Web information searches for free. We will also be coming out with a GreenNar, EnerNar, ChemNar and others. We are open to source suggestions for all of our NAR sites.

You may also want to keep your eye on our Science Research ( site, which will be redone in March. The new search will include,, Mednar and other authoritative science sites. Our goal is to search over 500 science sources in real-time (all of our sites search in real-time so you aren't getting stale information) from one box!

Thanks again and great list!

Darcy Pedersen
Deep Web Technologies

February 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarcy Pedersen

Wow, it says something that many of those state-of-the search engines were created by Deep Web Technologies. They are starting to own the deep Web medical/science search space. I am sure impressed by Mednar and

Interesting to read about the "Notably Accelerated Research" campaign—that is good news for those of us interested in Science 2.0 and the best possible access to the most information possible. There is some much available but unknown or underutilized in the recesses and interstices of the Web. Glad that there are firms that are rendering it all searchable. Keep an eye out for the “Nar” search engines.

Neat blog—good for you for having a Twitter button! I am now following you there.

February 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHope Leman

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