Quiet voices at COP15

One of the most exciting and heart-warming events is to see the latent energy of young people's passion turned into the kinetic force of action for good. For a number of years, organisations ranging from the UN to local authorities have created forums and networks of youth champions. Even without the endorsement or funding of a major funder, recent news from the energetic and focused Isabel Bottoms shows what can be achived with will and confidence:
Here's Isabel's note:
I am going to Copenhagen, and I especially want to tell you about what capacity it is that I am going in. Basically this year I decided to break free of delegations, and simply go there to try and be as useful as possible. So, with my friend Alex from CAT we have organised for a small team of 8 of us to get accrediation (allowing us to be inside the conference rather than outside with all the protestors) where we will support official delegations that are under represented in the negotiations. These are normally countries from the Global South who are often affected by climate change already, and they just don't have the man power or technical knowledge to get their needs and opinions across. Whilst we know us 8 aren't going to save the negotiations, we are hoping to help level out the playing field a little. We've already had over 8 countries ask for our support, so we are in the process of finalising which ones we will work with-yay or nay to the 2 dictatorships?! We hope you'll follow us on our blog that the 8 of us will be regaling our horrors on throughout the 2 weeks, and please spread the word! www.unfairplay.info

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