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The Ecologist is getting simplistic

In an increasingly crowded marketplace of information, ideas and media channnels, it's been difficult for The Ecologist, one of the longest established voices for environmental justice, to get heard. Their decision to publish solely online must have been a tough one, but is understandable from a footprint perspective.

Their quality of thei voice seems to have diminished at the same time, and this is a shame. This little piece was in today's online content

"But some experts are now starting to ask: what if we used the carbon as a resource instead of disposing of it? As far-fetched as it may sound there are already a number of experimental technologies that are making use of carbon either by absorbing it from the air or taking it in concentrated form from industry or power plants."

Maybe I'm affected by some kind of seasonal thinking disorder, but I thought this what plants and algae had been doing for some 3.5bn years.

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