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Sustainable Wales

It's been an interesting few days, working with a variety of inspiring and committed people to create an illustrative strategy that organisations can use to create an integrated approach to developing their way forwards.

I spent an interesting few hours with senior mangers from a north Wales local authority the other day, as part of their planning to get elected members on board for the need for a 9% annual reduction in CO2 emissions. They're one of the best councils in the country and are up for the idea of exploring what bigger changes might look like, scary though the implications may be.

Reports out this week demanded cuts in CO2 (UK Met Office), meat consumption (Food Climate Research Network) and pesticide use (Soil Association) point in a direction that suggests we really must get around to sorting out some contingency plans and alternatives to the way we're doing things.

it's time to conider what we want our legacy to be.

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