Incredible Edible

There's an excellent project in the north that's showing how a bit of fleet-footed, well directed activity can enthuse people to make a difference. In Todmorden, the Incredible Edible food project is step by step signing people up to do more and eat better. Here's their starter for 10:
1) Build schools for the future that have the living edible world at their heart.
2) Transform health buildings with edible plants and trees as an integral part of the design and workplace.
3) All public bodies to release land for food growing.
4) Plan for food – Support local food production through the planning system with all local plans identifying places for growing.
5) Tick all the boxes – Make growing a performance indicator for ‘wellbeing’ for all Public Services.
6) Insist all new homes to have ready-to-grow spaces.
7) All social landlords to allocate space for growing.
8) Charter for truly local markets – support local food producers and farmers and campaign for the reallocation of subsidies.
9) Make sure public bodies like schools and health authorities have as a priority to procure local food.
10) Invest in food skills for the future. We need incredible degrees and diplomas, cooks and technologists, farmers and fabulous food producers.
Click here for more information