Spilling the beans

I came across this on monga bay, commenting on the current BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
"According to the Guardian BP recently lobbied hard—and succeeded—against tougher environmental requirements for off-shore drilling, including a remote-controlled switch that if working properly could have stopped the spilling. The device is required by Norway and Brazil, but not the US.
The spill also puts the Obama Administration in a difficult position, having announced last month a new plan to allow offshore drilling along the northern coast of Alaska, the eastern coast, and the Gulf of Mexico, essentially opening up millions of acres that had long been off the table to oil interests. While applauded by some Republicans and the oil industry, the plan was vigorously opposed by environmental organizations, as well as some coastal governors and senators.
At the same time, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnel said today that the spill will not deter him from pushing Virginia to be the first state on the East Coast to begin off-shore drilling"
As Bill McDonough said, if it took us 5000 years to put wheels on a suitcase, you can tell we're not that bright