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Entries in community (6)


Place-based climate change workshops

Home is where the heart is. It's a true for climate change and sustainability as it is for warm-hearted truisms on hand-made samplers or wall hangings from forgotten generations. I'm working with the Welsh Assembly's Climate Change team to develop and run four community-based climate workshops in the next few months that use place as the focal point for change. Events are running at:

Newport - November 12

Llangollen - November 18

Aberystwyth - November 26

Bangor - December 7,8 or 10, to be confirmed.

Email me using the form on this site or contact

The main focus will be using 'home and heart' as the glue to hold together coherent and ambitious plans for change that bring together different strands of interest and professional practice. The events are a great opportunity to network, build plans and learn from others.


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